SEMrush Content Marketing Fundamentals Exam Answers 2023

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(Click on the questions, to get the correct answers)

True Or False: Based On The Content, Consumers Can Choose One Brand Over Another.

  • False
  • True

 Who Is NOT A Member Of A Content Marketing Team?

  • Customer success specialist
  • The content strategist
  • A designer
  • SEO / Data analyst

 What Is One Goal You Can Accomplish Using Content Marketing?

  • Increase website traffic
  • Train employees
  • Complete a work retreat

 How Many Competitors Do You Need To Have In Order To Analyze The Competition?

  • 7-10
  • 5-7
  • 1-3
  • 3-5

 Fill In The Blank. Audience Research Largely Consists Of Understanding The___that Your Customer Faces, And What Solutions Your Business Can Offer.

  • Energy
  • Weather
  • Attitude
  • Problems

 When You’re Running A Content Audit, What Is The First Thing You Need To Do?

  • Write out the original goals/objectives
  • Compile all content URLs into a spreadsheet
  • Collect engagement metrics from social media

 Which SEMrush Tool Will Help You Create New Topic Ideas To Create Content With?

  • Post Tracking
  • Content Audit
  • Topic Research Tool
  • SEO Writing Assistant

 What Is A Content Calendar?

  • A calendar listing what social media posts are scheduled and when
  • A shareable resource that all teams can use to plan content marketing activity
  • A calendar of important holidays to focus content on

 What Should The Average Length Of Paragraphs In A Blog Post Be?

  • 10-12 sentences
  • 1-2 sentences
  • 5-7 sentences
  • 2-4 sentences

 When It Comes To Optimizing A New Blog Post, Which Parts Of The Content Should Be Optimized?

  • Headers, footers, title tags, meta-titles, and the meta-description
  • Headers, footers, title tags, meta-titles, meta-description, URL, internal linking, and navigation
  • Headers, footers, title tags, meta-titles, meta-description, URL, internal linking, navigation, and social media URLs

 What Is A Great Way To Make Sure Your Content Is Seen By Your Fans, Their Friends, And Your Target Audience?

  • Post the same piece of content every day
  • Promote the content on social media through a Boosted Post
  • Have the customer success team call and notify customers of a new content release

 How Can You Update A Piece Of Content To Make It High-Quality Content? Choose 3 Options.

  • Divide the piece into smaller pieces, and post them separately
  • Make the CTA clearer
  • Implement more relevant keywords
  • Improve the headlines

 What Is The Best Way To Gain Leads From Content Marketing?

  • Have a pop-up box on each blog post
  • Create a piece of content a user has to exchange information to access
  • Ask at the end of every paragraph for the user to sign up